New Humanists
New Humanists
The Art of Language Teaching, feat. Tim Griffith | Episode LXIV
When Tim Griffith was coaching soccer and reading ancient Roman rhetorical theory, he realized he had stumbled across a pedagogical goldmine. In this episode, Jonathan and Ryan talk with Tim about raising kids as native Latin speakers, the roles that comprehensible input vs. grammar instruction play in the language classroom, prescriptive versus descriptive grammar, and Roman rhetoric. The product of years of experience and study, Tim’s approach to teaching Latin has borne fruit in his students at New Saint Andrews College, in his curriculum projects at Picta Dicta, and in no small way in the influence he has had on the Ancient Language Institute.
Rhetorica Ad Herennium: https://bookshop.org/a/25626/9780674994447
Quintilian’s Institutes of Oratory (Volume I): https://bookshop.org/a/25626/9780674995918
Picta Dicta: https://pictadicta.com/
Shop Picta Dicta at Roman Roads Press: https://romanroadspress.com/latin
Hans Ørberg’s Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana: https://amzn.to/3hoLz7V
W.H.D. Rouse’s Latin on the Direct Method: https://books.google.com/books/about/Latin_on_the_Direct_Method_By_W_H_D_Rous.html?id=oMXxMgEACAAJ
New Saint Andrews College: https://nsa.edu/
ALI Latin classes for adults: https://ancientlanguage.com/register-latin/
ALI Ancient Greek classes for adults: https://ancientlanguage.com/register-greek/
ALI Latin for Kids Program: https://ancientlanguage.com/latin-for-kids/
ALI Latin for Kids Self-Study Course: https://ancientlanguage.com/latin-curriculum/
Erasmus' De Copia: https://amzn.to/3Phf9MH
Paul Distler's Teach the Latin, I Pray You: https://amzn.to/4cflhPC