New Humanists
New Humanists
Petrarch's Little Dark Age | Episode LXX
Imagine that you are the leading figure in a movement to renew the study and appreciation of classical literature, but you have come to the end of your life and not only has the educational and political situation not improved - it has gotten worse. Such was the vista spread out before Petrarch in his twilight. Jonathan and Ryan read and discuss some of Petrarch's correspondence, recording the meditations of the great humanist as he wrestled with civilizational decline, the possibility of rebirth, and the awareness of how little time he had left.
Richard M. Gamble's The Great Tradition: https://amzn.to/3Q4lRnO
Cicero's Pro Archia Poeta: https://bookshop.org/a/25626/9780674991743
Tim Griffith's The Case for Classical Languages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UquUv7wzAgQ
Ryan Hammill's Saints Versus Statesmen: https://americanreformer.org/2024/04/saints-versus-statesmen/
New Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: https://ancientlanguage.com/
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Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com