New Humanists
New Humanists
The Barren Contemplative Life | Episode LXXVIII
This week, Jonathan and Ryan discuss two early medieval selections from Richard M. Gamble's The Great Tradition, one taken from Gregory the Great, perhaps the most significant pope in the history of Christendom, and another from Alcuin of York, adviser to Charlemagne and architect of the Carolingian Renaissance. Both Gregory and Alcuin were churchmen, statesmen, scholars, and are linked closely to the Christianization of Britain. Jonathan and Ryan discuss the relation between rational thought and proper grammar, the Great Books according to Medievals, and whether education properly belongs to the contemplative life or the active life.
Richard M. Gamble's The Great Tradition: https://amzn.to/3Q4lRnO
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: https://bookshop.org/a/25626/9780140445657
New Humanists episode with Tim Griffith on Latin Teaching: https://newhumanists.buzzsprout.com/1791279/episodes/14692390-the-art-of-language-teaching-feat-tim-griffith-episode-lxiv
Andrew Beck interview in Align: https://www.theblaze.com/align/interview-beck-stone-co-founder-andrew-beck
New Humanists episode with John Peterson: https://newhumanists.buzzsprout.com/1791279/episodes/12698279-education-that-makes-aquinas-look-modern-feat-john-peterson-episode-xlvi
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Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com